drawing nr639

Institutional nihilism

During a rendezvous with friends, some not-so-wholesome concepts emerged from one of my headholes due to the low pressure and rain. A leakage I suppose. The position that emerged was that the institution is a trap due to social dependency (the notion of asking permission for doing one's work). Furthermore I hot aired the idea that the institution is there for the institutionalized (arguing that the greatest individual beneficiary of per example government is the politician, or at this stage the new public management executive). Is the institution the only thing that saves us from schoolyard politics or is the institution schoolyard politics manifest? It is impossible to tell, investigation would reveal that it is and it is not which leads me to abandon institutional nihilism. Still, perhaps the gradual dissolving, or preferably accelerated dissolution of some if not all institutions is a healthy evolution. I am inclined to regard the institution as an illness when it inflates in the societal realm, replicating itself and imposing a reality for the individual where nothing is beyond submission. It is a form of social aesthetic discipline that I find ugly. Ugly? How do I find it ugly?


drawing nr640


drawing nr638